From Bible to Midrash

How did David, the glorious king and warrior of the Bible, become a scholar of Torah, a pious and humble prophet, philosopher and poet? In the Midrash, the vast body of interpretative literature created by the early rabbis, David—along with many other biblical personalities—underwent enormous transformations. In the midrashic world, the biblical text was mined for endless meanings, some with relevance to particular historical predicaments or moral dilemmas. The Bible was interpreted and reinterpreted, the process of midrash keeping the ancient texts relevant for each generation and producing a wealth of fascinating traditions. In this book, the development of some of these traditions is examined, with particular attention to how biblical personalities such as Kain and Abel, Moses, Samson and David were transformed in their midrashic portrayals. Other articles in the volume address additional topics related to midrash, including dream-interpretation in rabbinic literature, ‘mystical midrash’, and a pointed challenge to Harold Bloom’s handling of rabbinic literature
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Författare Trautner-Kromann Hanne(ed)
Förlag Arcus
Omfång (sidor) 192
Mediatyp Bok
Bandtyp Häftad
Utg.datum 2005
PLU 9789188553140
ISBN 9789188553140
Vikt (g) 200.0000
100,00 kr

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Tisdag- Fredag 10-17


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