The Eighth Son

It is the account of the young shepherd boy's rise to fame in Israel - killing lions and bears to protect his father's sheep flock, valiantly defying and be-heading the Philistine giant Goliath, calming the rages and escaping the murderous jealousy of King Saul who tries to kill him, falling in love with several women and distinguishing himself as both a man and a warrior. David's character emerges as a robust, yet real, hero who is incredibly brave, sometimes foolhardy, yet always full of vibrant energy and commitment which draws others inexorably to him. The characters of his brothers, enemies, compatriots, comrades and women whose lives intertwine with his are portrayed in an enthralling story of passion, war, jealousy, love and hate.
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Författare Cunningham Philip
Utg.datum 2002
PLU 9780620287197
ISBN 9780620287197
Vikt (g) 250.0000
50,00 kr

Måndag 10-19

Tisdag- Fredag 10-17


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